Definitions of freedom, continued

The huge anti-Syrian demonstration in Beirut today is exciting, showing that big things may really be on the way there. Unfortunately, those big things may include a Tiananman Square-like crackdown or civil war.

An L-dotter writes:

This picture from the Beirut protest says it all. Isn’t freedom beautiful?

The photo he links is of a young, scantily dressed Lebanese woman with her breasts half-exposed and a saucy expression on her face, standing in a crowd at the Beirut demonstration. If this “says it all,” if this represents what we stand for as a nation, if this is the “freedom” with which we want to overcome every traditional culture on earth, including what’s left of our own, then we are maniacs heading toward destruction.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 14, 2005 03:49 PM | Send

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