How liberals guard violent criminals

Apart from the craziness of assigning a female officer to supervise an accused dangerous violent prisoner, I’m still trying to take in the fact that the Georgia authorities engage in the following routine procedures when transferring such a prisoner to his trial. First, the defendant is placed under the charge of a single, unaccompanied officer. Next, this officer takes the defendant to a holding area in the courthouse, where the defendant changes from his prisoner uniform to civilian dress and, in order to prevent the jury from having any prejudicial reaction against him, his handcuffs are removed. Then the lone officer takes—or, more accurately, “escorts”—the young, powerful, violent prisoner, whose hands are now freed, the rest of the way to the courtroom, which apparently is some distance from the holding area. That the prisoner in this case had been discovered two days earlier with knives secreted in his shoes, and that the unaccompanied officer assigned to him was a female, upped the procedure from its usual gross carelessness to sheer insanity.

Except that it’s not really insanity. It’s Eloihood.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 13, 2005 06:03 PM | Send

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