Condi the magnificent

How dare anyone criticize this great woman, Condoleezza Rice, who all TRUE conservatives know is destined to be our next president? (How do I know this? I check out each day.) Condi is brilliant, she is a prodigy, she plays the piano, she speaks a foreign language, she’s cute, she is the greatest National Security Advisor and Secretary of State of all time. Every time she lands in a foreign capital, we go, “Go, Condi!” She’s so cool looking.

Ok, so she has some funny ideas about the “peace process” that make Madeleine Albright and Sandy Berger look sane and responsible by comparison. On the basis of nothing but a single election and a pledge from Abbas, she accepts that the Palestinian are now beyond terrorism and deserve all U.S. help in getting their own state. The fact is that the Palestinian television is still inciting hatred and mass murder against Jews, but we’re not going to think about that now, it would get in the way of our celebrations of Condi and Bush, and everything depends on the mood of our president.

And now she is proposing payments to terrorists, to get them to retire from their profession. Hey, is Condi brilliant or what?

[Written February 10, 2005.]

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 10, 2005 09:12 PM | Send

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