British equality chief calls for racial segregation in schools

The chairman of Britain’s Commission for Racial Equality says that it might be necessary to educate black boys separately from other pupils, in order to overcome their educational deficits. As the Times of London put it in the headline, using a word Americans would pall at: “Segregation could help black pupils, says race chief.” Another factor in the story that may strike Americans as odd is the national origin of black pupils in question:

Although results improved marginally last year, just 35.7 per cent of black Caribbean pupils in England and 43.3 per cent of black African pupils scored at least five C grades at GCSE, compared with a national average of 52.3 per cent.

Haven’t we always been told that Caribbean blacks were doing just fine, and that it was only American blacks who had these educational problems?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 11, 2005 11:46 AM | Send

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