Terrorists in Iraq keep proving how desperate they are

I’ve been saying for a year and a half that we can’t build a new government in Iraq, let alone a democratic one, until we first defeat the forces that would destroy such a government. President Bush, with his slogan-addled legions in tow behind him, decided otherwise: if the Iraqis have an election and form a new government, that fact by itself would make the terrorist enemies go away. Don’t ask the Bushites how elections would make the terrorists go away, because they have no answer to that question and have never even pretended to have an answer. True, the Iraqi people bravely went out to vote despite the threat of terrorist attacks. That they did so was treated as the millennium, signaling victory over the terrorists. But it signaled no such thing. It merely signaled that the Iraqis, in line with Bush’s own logic, were willing in the pursuit of a new government to be blown up by an as-yet undefeated terrorist enemy, not that the terrorist enemy was defeated.

Meanwhile, since the Bushites were so sure that the holding of elections would mean victory over the terrorists, the continuing terrorist attacks must be seen as meaningless, as a mere “desperate” ploy by an enemy who is running out of options. Today 36 Iraqis were killed by a car bomb at a Shi’ite mosque in Mosul. But let’s not interrupt our celebration of the victory of democracy over terror, since it is so clear that the terrorists are desperate and on the run.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 10, 2005 01:17 PM | Send

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