Sharansky—a liberal with sanity, sort of

David Hornik, an Israeli writer who grasps political reality much better than most people do these days, has an excellent article at FrontPage magazine showing us that Natan Sharansky is much more doubtful about the current supposed victories for Mideast “democracy” and Palestinian “peace” than is his acolyte in the White House, not to mention the acolyte’s mindless masses of followers.

However, as Hornik points out, it was Sharansky’s own overly sanguine pronouncements that helped give rise to the dangerous illusions about “peace” and “democracy” that Sharansky now decries. But what else would one expect from a liberal? Moderate liberalism such as Sharansky’s is in its essence a schizophrenic thing, believing in illusions of universal sameness, peace, and equality, but at the same time not able to abandon rationality completely. So it keeps veering back and forth between illusion and reality.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 10, 2005 12:46 PM | Send

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