Time to stop complaining about jihad in America and to start doing something about it

FrontPage Magazine reprints an article from MichNews.com on the Saudi-financed Wahhabi schools in the U.S. that preach total rejection of the U.S. and of all non-Moslems, and encourage Moslems to exterminate Jews. Nothing “extreme” about this, folks, since it’s what the Prophet himself commanded, over and over. Meanwhile, these schools of terror maintain their state operating licenses, the Bush administration does nothing about them (except for telling us that Islam is a religion of peace and continuing to let Saudis enter America as immigrants and visitors), and the most that “conservatives” do is say that we can’t do anything until there’s another 9/11 attack. I posted a comment repeating my mantra about what we must DO to stop jihad in America.

As far as I know, I am the only person in this country of almost 300 million people who is saying these things and putting my name to them in published articles. How long will it be before others join me?

Correct that last comment: Ann Coulter in October 2001 called for deporting all non-citizens from suspect Moslem countries. In fact, I had endorsed her ideas and carried them further in a debate on David Brudnoy’s radio program at the time. I’m not aware of Coulter’s revisiting the issue since then, however. If readers know about writers who have called for the use of deportations and other crackdowns to achieve the systematic reduction of the Moslem population in the U.S., please let me know.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 07, 2005 10:21 PM | Send

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