The ultimate neocon brainstorm

“Invade the world, invite the world” describes the two sides of the neoconservative policy for America. But now left-leaning neocon Max Boot, a supporter of homosexual marriage and a regular columnist at the ultra-liberal Los Angeles Times, has come up with a way to combine these two complimentary, but still separate, aspects of the neoconservative Gestalt into one neat package. Since, in the absence of the draft, the U.S. armed forces currently lack enough manpower to carry out our ever-expanding democracy-building ventures around the world, Boot proposes that we swell the ranks of the American military with foreigners, who, in exchange for their military service, will receive U.S. citizenship.

Boot must be hugging himself in delight at the sheer beauty of his idea.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 24, 2005 11:41 PM | Send

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