European left embraces neoconservatism

I’ve been saying lately that the Bush administration and the neoconservatives have embraced the European left. The European left has now reciprocated. Writing in Le Monde, Justin Vaïsse gives high praise to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for her statements during her recent trip to Europe. Here is the original and a translation (thanks to Serge Trifkovic for the link, and, in part, the translation):

Sur le plan des principes, elle a rappelé que les Etats-Unis et la France, plus que d’autres nations, ont reçu en héritage des Lumières la foi dans la liberté et l’universalisme de la démocratie. On peut contester les méthodes de l’administration Bush, mais le credo néoconservateur, selon lequel la démocratie est faite pour tous les peuples et toutes les religions, est aussi le nôtre.

In the field of principles, she recalled that the United States and France, more than other nations, received as a heritage from the Enlightenment the faith in freedom and in the universalism of democracy. The methods of the Bush administration can be questioned, but the neoconservative creed, that democracy is for all peoples and all religions, is also ours.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 24, 2005 01:46 PM | Send

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