Fund, hearing Rush, urges Bush to pretense of moderation on amnesty plan

John Fund, a hard-line open-borders advocate at the Wall Street Journal, takes seriously Rush Limbaugh’s warnings that the president’s extreme stand on immigration might fracture the GOP coalition. Consequently, Fund is counseling the president to show more prudence on this issue. Basically he is saying that if Bush wants to pass his amnesty bill, he has got to get serious about enforcement of the law, or at least stop obstructing efforts on enforcement, or at least stop letting on that he doesn’t give a damn about enforcement. Fund is not backing away from Bush’s overall goal of open borders. He’s just saying that, in order to be credible and placate conservatives, we’ve got to enforce whatever immigration and border laws we still have on the books.

Here’s the way for us to understand the real meaning of what Fund is proposing.

I have frequently said, paraphrasing a marvelous line from Howard Phillips: The Democrats will take us over the cliff at 80 miles an hour. The Republicans will stay within the speed limit, but they’ll still take us over the cliff.

Well, the presidents’s approach to immigration has fit the Democrats’ overall philosophy: over the cliff at 80 miles an hour. That is, he hasn’t just been pushing a policy leading to national suicide, he has been blatantly unserious about any notions of enforcing the law in the process of doing so. But now Fund is saying: Look, Mr. President, if we want to succeed in our mission of taking America over the cliff, we’ve got to stay within the speed limit.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 02, 2005 03:15 PM | Send

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