Are Asians different?

From a reader:

I recently saw a movie entitled “The Fog of War.” It was a documentary on Robert McNamara. Specifically, McNamara spoke of being in the Army Air Force in China during World War II. He described the Chinese method for making a runway: The Chinese would crush rocks by hand and then use a large roller to crush the rocks. He said that every now and then a worker pulling the roller would slip and fall. The roller would then crush him to death. McNamara said “the Chinese would just laugh, and then go right back to work.”

I was taken aback by this and wondered: Is this specific to Asian culture? Is this a lack of Judeo/Christian ethics? Are Asians inherently amoral? Nihilistic? Your Indonesian remarks have really caused me to ponder the Asian mindset.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 12, 2005 12:13 AM | Send

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