Does the “Nanny” issue matter?

Writing in response to my attack on the Wall Street Journal, a friend disagrees with me about the significance of hiring illegal aliens:

Dear Larry

I do not fully agree.

There are two separate issues here. One is that Keric hired an illegal which is wrong and deserves a fine or even prison if he cannot pay the fine. The second is whether this offense is severe enough that he should lose consideration for the Homeland Security job.

If Keric had stolen, should he still be considered for the position? Well, if he robbed a bank, certainly not. However, if he stole 10 paper clips from the office, I think that is ok. Context is everything. I think the illegal nanny thing should not preclude someone from most government positions including president. How’s that!!!!

After all, we are all sinners in some way. The question is, “What is your sin and how severe is it?”

My reply:

Dear _____,

We are all sinners. I know I am. But Keric is not being “punished” for the sin of hiring an illegal alien and not paying her taxes. He is being blocked from America’s TOP LEVEL JOB ENFORCING OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS. A man who has shown indifference to THAT PARTICULAR LAW, cannot be plausibly seen as the person to ENFORCE that law.

This, my dear _____, is a NO-BRAINER.

Your friend,


Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 15, 2004 02:32 PM | Send

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