Black Nobel laureate’s racial conspiracy theory

For the first time, an African woman, ecologist Wangari Maathai of Kenya, has won the Nobel Peace Prize. And what does this outstanding representative of black Africa, who won the prize for her work in human rights and reversing deforestation, have to say to the world? She says that the HIV virus was deliberately created by scientists to wipe out black people. “Us black people are dying more than any other people in this planet,” Maathai told a press conference in Nairobi. “It’s true that there are some people who create agents to wipe out other people.… In fact [the HIV virus] is created by a scientist for biological warfare.” She has previously said that Western scientists developed HIV for the purpose of mass extermination.

But before we allow ourselves to be appalled that a racial-conspiracy-theory-spouting moron has been given the Nobel Prize, let us remember that Maathi’s conspiracy theory is actually far less racially paranoid than that of many American blacks, who believe, not only that the HIV virus was created by scientists in order to oppress and kill blacks, but that the entire white race was created by a scientist (Yacub, 5,000 years ago) in order to oppress and kill blacks. So it turns out that Maathai, with her more moderate and less racialist position, is a kind of paragon after all.

Yet another reason not to be entirely appalled at Maathai’s award is that it would imply that the standards under which she got the Nobel Peace Prize represent a decline from those used in previous years. But how could we say that, when the winner last year was Jimmy Carter?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 10, 2004 12:04 PM | Send

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