Bush criticizes Kerry—on the wrong point

So, the Bush campaign is now attacking Kerry on his “global test” remark. How utterly typical of the Republicans. They let Kerry get away with Chamberlain-like appeasement of our enemies, while they excoriate him for a statement that was not, I would argue, objectionable. Other than his choice of words, “global test” (which is damaging because it shows Kerry’s underlying orientation toward global governance), the substance of Kerry’s point was entirely reasonable. All he said was that if the U.S. is going to engage in a pre-emptive strike on some country, the president needs to present to the world the evidence that justifies such a strike, as President Kennedy did in the Cuban missile crisis—and, in fact, as President Bush himself did before launching the invasion of Iraq.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 05, 2004 09:55 AM | Send

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