The French condition for attending Kerry’s “summit”

Among the arguments Bush could have used against Kerry, if he only had a brain, is that the international summit which is the lynchpin of Kerry’s proposed Iraq policy would include terrorists. According to Amir Taheri in Opinion Journal, French Foreign Minister Barnier has said that in order for France to attend any international conference proposed by the U.S., “elements opposed to the occupation” must be invited. As Tony Blankley points out, “elements opposed to the occupation” means the very terrorists who have been mass murdering Iraqis and kidnapping and sawing off the heads of American and other foreign civilians, or at least, people speaking in behalf of those terrorists. Further, French Prime Minister Raffarin speaks of the Iraqi insurgency as “la résistance.” But if the terrorists are “la résistance,” then, Blankley says, the United States is Nazi Germany. So Kerry’s big summit, his ultimate solution to Iraq and every other related problem, would include our mass murdering jihadist enemies, along with a nominally Western country, France, which regards those mass murderers as a heroic “résistance” and the U.S. as the equivalent of Nazi Germany. Imagine what such a conference would be like. And imagine if Bush had pointed these things out at the debate.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 05, 2004 08:52 AM | Send

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