Routinizing horror for the sake of ideology

In the top left column on the front page of today’s New York Sun, the Big Apple’s own neocon broadsheet, the headline begins: “Ghastly killing … ” No, it’s not about the ghastly head-sawing-off of American engineer Eugene Armstrong in Iraq yesterday at the hands of Zarqawi’s killers. It’s about the beating to death of a two-year-old boy by his mother, Zahira Matos, and the mother’s roommate, Carmen Molina, at a Morningside Heights housing project in upper Manhattan. Meanwhile, Eugene Armstrong’s horrifying murder/execution is only reported inside the paper, on page 6.

Overall, these monstrous execution/torture/murders of foreign civilian workers in Iraq are being increasingly treated by the media as routine events, as are the mass murders of Iraqis via suicide bombs. I have a friend who worries that, given what we already see happening in Israel and Iraq, the same thing could well happen here. That is, as America becomes increasingly Islamized as a result of our open immigration policy, of which the neoconservatives are the most vocal advocates, we will end up, like Israel and Iraq, with terrorist murders going on daily, and we will treat it all as routine. Or rather, we will tell ourselves—as the Communists said for years regarding the organized mass starvations in the Soviet Union, and as the liberals told us for years regarding the suicide bombings of Israelis resulting from the fraudulent Oslo “peace process,” and as the neocons are already telling us vis à vis the ongoing mass murders of Iraqi civilians in Iraq—that we must keep our eyes on the positive side of the picture, namely, that the democratic assimilation of U.S. Muslims is “rapidly progressing.” For neoconservatives, as for liberals and leftists generally, as long as their cherished ideology is in place at the top, the actual horror being inflicted on the ground doesn’t seem to matter very much.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 21, 2004 01:01 PM | Send

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