Theodorakis and the Jews

Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis has a little problem with the Jews. He said in an interview last year that the Jewish people are “at the root of evil.” (The evil itself, he says, is President Bush.) When Jews attacked him for this statement, he was shocked at their vehemence, yet he still insists, in a long interview in Ha’aretz, that he was correct. He adds: “I don’t believe there is anti-Semitism in Europe. There is a reaction against the policy of Sharon and Bush.”

Theodorakis is evidently one of those who thinks that the statement, “The Jews are at the root of evil,” is not anti-Semitism, but mere criticism. And if people call you an anti-Semite for making such criticism, that only proves the underlying point—the profound, illuminating, life-changing epiphany—that anti-Semitism is a myth invented by the Jews to control the human race by preventing anyone from merely criticizing the Jews for being at the root of evil and controlling the human race.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 27, 2004 05:32 PM | Send

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