Do I contradict myself?

This website may seem contradictory with regard to the election, calling for Bush not to be re-elected while also seeking to expose Kerry for the massive phony and liar that he is and describing him as utterly unqualified to be president. I would suggest, however, that it’s not a contradiction. First, my purpose at VFR is to speak the truth as I see it, presenting a traditionalist conservative perspective (or, where traditionalist conservatism per se is not relevant to the matter at hand, simply my own perspective) on the issues of the day, not to elect one candidate or another. Secondly, insofar as I do believe that Bush’s defeat is the only way to halt the leftward evolution of the Republican party and the conservative movement under Bush, the discrediting of Kerry may actually be the only way to bring that about. If Kerry continues to implode under the exposure of his lifetime of lies, he may be forced to step aside from the race, and the Democrats might then nominate a somewhat less ridiculous candidate who may actually have a chance to beat Bush. I recognize that this scenario is unlikely. But, as I’ve been saying ever since Kerry emerged as the Democratic nominee last winter, there are no good likely outcomes of this election.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 22, 2004 01:13 PM | Send

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