What a man, what a leader!

According to the AP:
At a fund-raiser attended by about 750 people, Kerry said the attacks by a group of Vietnam veterans and former Swift Boat commanders have intensified “because in the last months they have seen me climbing in America’s understanding that I know how to fight a smarter and more effective war” against terrorists.

“That’s why they’re attacking my credibility. That’s why they’ve personally gone after me. The president needs to stand up and stop that. The president needs to have the courage to talk about it.”

Let’s get this straight. In a free country, the men who served with Kerry in Vietnam are challenging his record in Vietnam, and Kerry, instead of responding to those men, calls on Bush to make those nasty men stop calling him names!

This is the same Kerry, let us not forget, who just the other day in response to the Swifties’ charges beat his chest and bellowed, “Bring. It. On.” Yet now he cries for Bush, his opponent whom he despises, to rescue him from the big bad Swifties.

And this man wants to be president of the United States in time of war?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 22, 2004 12:22 PM | Send

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