The real bigotry

Here’s the Washington Post summing up the political career of Alan Keyes:

Keyes has run for Senate twice from Maryland, and sought the 2000 presidential nomination on a strong culturally conservative platform. He won few votes but some praise for his theatrical speaking style. He has until Election Day, Nov. 2, to establish residency in Illinois. [John F. Harris, “Clash And Kerry,” August 7, 2004]

So let me get this straight. Liberals falsely portray below-average blacks as average, and they falsely portray average blacks as brilliant; but when it comes to a truly brilliant black, indeed one of the intellectually outstanding men in American public life of this or any time, they dismiss him—because he’s a conservative—as merely “theatrical.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 08, 2004 02:10 PM | Send

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