More on Bush’s seven minute “delay”

Here, from a thread, is needed perspective on Bush’s seven minutes spent with the Sarasota, Florida school children after he received word of the second attack on the World Trade Center:

Reply 7—Posted by: morgoth, 8/8/2004 8:54:55 AM

Your country may be under attack Do you.

A) Announce this to the kiddies and run screaming from the room.

B) Stare out the window for 40 minutes or more.

C) Stand up and march forcefully to the door announcing that you now have what you need to attack Iraq.

D) Sit quietly, finish the book your reading to the children, and await the signal from your body guards that the route to air force one is clear and it’s time to go.

So, which option are Kerry and Moore suggesting Bush should have taken?

The democrats are infected with a really bad case of “group think” just like the cia was. They have no clue just how stupid they sound.

Reply 10—Posted by: Fledrmaus, 8/8/2004 10:27:03 AM

I vividly remember the look on President Bush’s face when the his aide told him the news—must have been of the second plane striking. While snickering know-it-alls like Moore claim to see panic or blankness or indecision in his face, I saw the look of a man realizing the enormous burden that had just been placed on him. There was a moment like that in the movie “Advise and Consent”, when a tense Senate vote is going on, and unknown to everyone there, the President dies of a heart attack. The Vice President presiding over the vote is given the news, and looks up to see the Secret Service agents entering by all the doors of the chamber. Of course, he’s the President now, and they’re there to protect HIM. The look on his face as he realizes just what all this means was like the look President Bush had. He knew, before anyone else, that the world had utterly changed in a few minutes.

Reply 15—Posted by: et, 8/8/2004 11:27:40 AM

Many are comparing Bushes 7 minutes to Kerry’s 40 minutes. A totally invalid comparison. Here’s why. The Secret Service keep Bush at the school while they ramped up his security 10+ fold. The fact that they did this in so short of time is in its self praise worthy.

Bush and the people around him were not paralyzed with fear, they were moving mountains.

Reply 16—Posted by: Citizen1, 8/8/2004 11:37:50 AM

Kerry is an incredible jerk, which doesn’t necessarily mean he won’t be the next POTUS.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 08, 2004 05:30 PM | Send

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