Expel all enemy aliens from the United States

Al Qaeda’s astonishingly detailed surveillance of major buildings in New York and Washington that U.S. authorities have learned about reminds us once again of the unchanging situation we are in, the situation that even 9/11 did not change.

I’ve said it before and I will keep saying it. We are under imminent threat of major terrorist attacks in this country, and we will remain under that threat—with all the fear, inconvenience, expense, and loss of normal freedoms that that entails—as long as we allow our enemies to enter, reside in, and move freely about in this country. We must therefore do what any country does in time of war, and that is to detain or, far preferably, expel all enemy aliens. An enemy alien is a citizen of a foreign state, currently residing in our country, with which our country is at war. But, you may ask, no foreign state is at war with us, so how can there be any enemy aliens? The answer, of course, is that Jihad is at war with us, and therefore all non-citizen followers of Jihad living in this country are enemy aliens and must be expelled.

The same wartime imperative requires that we shut down all pro-Jihadist or Wahhabi mosques, which, according to Daniel Pipes, constitute 80 percent of Moslems mosques in this country. Would we have allowed pro-Nazi organizations to meet publicly and rally the Nazi faithful after December 9, 1941, when Nazi Germany declared war on the United States? Of course not. Why then do we continue to allow our mortal enemies to meet, organize and speak in this country?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 02, 2004 04:44 PM | Send

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