GOP’s electoral future in doubt, thanks to GOP immigration policies

The erstwhile Republican electoral bastions of the Southwest are now potentially in play for the Democrats, which would cost President Bush the election; and the reason for this is the increasing population in those states of Hispanics who vote Democrat by a two to one margin; and a key reason for the ongoing Hispanic population increase since the mid-1990s has been the Republicans’ abandonment of any attempt to control legal or illegal immigration, including their opposition to Proposition 187; and the key advisors in that disastrous GOP decision were the neoconservatives. Samuel Francis concludes: “If the Bush administration survives this election at all, it needs to consider that the neo-conservatives whose advice it has followed on immigration politics have been no less disastrous than those whose counsel it took on foreign policy.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 02, 2004 02:53 PM | Send

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