A vet questions Kerry’s Vietnam record

A former Marine asks penetrating questions about John Kerry’s much-touted service in Vietnam, routinely described today by Democrats and Republicans alike as heroic. There’s a lot that is fishy about it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 20, 2004 10:30 AM | Send

To me, it seems like an uphill battle to attack Kerry on this matter, even if justified. Bush is rather more vulnerable as he obviously got out of going to Indochina at all, even if, as I have pointed out before, some of the attacks on him are unfair.

Posted by: Alan Levine on February 21, 2004 12:33 PM

I don’t agree with Mr. Levine on this. Bush served honorably in the National Guard. Kerry got onto a safe ship in the Navy for a year, then served four months in Vietnam, got out prematurely on the basis of three virtually non-existent wounds, came back to the U.S. and became a virtual traitor to his country. There is no equivalence or comparison between the two. Kerry’s record is infinitely worse.

Once again, I’m not saying this as a Bush partisan, as everyone knows.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on February 21, 2004 12:42 PM

Points could be taken for both sides(Auster, Levin), but the bottom line is that Kerry and Bush were honorably discharged from military service. End of debate.

Posted by: Joan Vail on February 21, 2004 2:59 PM

Dear Joan,

Sorry I cannot leave, like you. To leave it at
your proposed bottom line that both J.F.Kerry and President Bush were honorably discharged, so as to thereby end the story before it proves too disfavorable is unfortunately for you Joan not quite the carpet covering period you wish it were.

Woodrow Wilson’s death not ends it - the story of surely one of, if not the most treasonous U.S. President who ever took office. Not dissimilar,
Madam Albright and slick Willy Clinton and their Freemasonic, very secret society cohorts approved discharging themselves from seeking to bring Bin-Ladin to justice three known times, and each time they obscured justice by their own admission; so according to your debating tactics you’d have us all agree that for these noted, well-connected Democrats’ political expediancies, all the rest of us should buy into your gag order, “End of story.”

Your thoughts Joan, taken to their logical conclusions, and spoken around groups or families
who’ve lost somebody in 9-11 could understandably mean your very own personal “End of story.”

Joan your argumentative agility with the monkey wrench is too hilary for me not to respond; much the same as everyone not on the inside was suppose to just buy into Al Capone’s first few court verdicts of perfect innocense, too. Back then Chicago’s Machine screamed “End of story,” just like you’re trying to pacificate - But Kerry’s set-up for medals is a preposterous performance piece much akin to JFK’s unbelievable PT heroics.

Contrasted with these “Heroes,” National Guard duty is clearly seen as an effort to serve without much chance to be made into the “War-Hero.” One story is humbler by obvious honest intention, whereas the other has such dishonesty, a far-fetched farce meant to pull ancient free & accepted masonic hoodwinking over general john Q. public and therefore non-secret outsiders.

Reads well ostensibly, but in Kerry’s case invested investigational energies are directly proportional to the extent of disbelief.

Joan, dear, times have changed, as this very uucp-web delivers this message to people whose secrecy I cannot count on, as such secrecy I in no way, shape or form desire. This non-secret message is brought to you courtesy of Rand and CERN, organizations darling Democrats like Clinton and Kerry have worked toward running into the mud at every recorded, and subsequently well media-squelched, turn.

The Freemasonry symbols on your printed dollars are meaningful and not there by chance, Joan dearest, nor is it chance that the printed word is by and large in the hands of socialistic Democrats, who know only to well that a truly free-press might spell the end of their story of media manipulation and content control.

There are many financially and societally sound countries in our world which have only one party, achieving many efficiencies at the expense of nonfunctional, political internal conflicts.

Posted by: Eddi Pend on February 21, 2004 9:38 PM

Re: Mr. Pend’s rather lengthy and disassociative reply. The question I would pose to you, Sir, is no end of story. Why did the military grant both gentlemen an honorable discharge.? Do you know Mr. Pend how discharges of this type are granted? It is based on good conduct and obeying the orders and instructions of his superiors. Period. Your wandering all over the ground on this issue quite leaves me lost for words.

Posted by: Joan Vail on February 22, 2004 10:21 AM
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