The inadequacy of the “liberal bias” charge

For conservatives to go on ad nauseam criticizing the liberal “bias” of the major news media, as author Bernard Goldberg does again today in an interview quoted at NewsMax, is an absurdly inadequate response to the quasi-totalitarian reality of modern liberalism. It would be like saying that Pravda had a “Communist bias,” implying that Pravda showed a mere tilt or prejudice in favor of Communism, when, in fact, it was the official propaganda organ for the Soviet Communist party. Or it would be like saying that our enemy is “terrorism,” rather than militant Islam. How can you have any hope of exposing, discrediting, and defeating your enemy, if you refuse to identify him for what he really is?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 03, 2003 04:52 PM | Send

I concede that Bernard Goldberg’s observations may be inadequate; still, they are welcome,particularly given the recent spate of books claiming that no liberal bias exists, for example Joe Conason’s “Big Lies.” Conason’s book, by the way, is worth looking at for the insights it provides into the way liberals minds work, or don’t work.

Posted by: Alan Levine on November 3, 2003 5:53 PM

Oh, I welcome any exposure of liberal lying. It’s the description of it as “bias” that gets my goat. That phrase, which conservatives keep repeating automatically, exemplifies their unability truly to understand—and thus to stand radically apart from—liberalism.

I don’t happen to be a fan of Ann Coulter’s, but at least she uses a more accurate word than “bias” to describe what liberals do. She calls it “lying.”

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on November 3, 2003 6:07 PM

Let us remember that Goldberg’s book is aimed at a mass public that is none too sophisticated about political ideology. Probably the notion that the mainstream media functions as the propaganda arm of the left, though true, is too much for them to understand or accept. On the other hand, if the public becomes convinced that the mainstream media is not telling it “like it is,” and tunes out, the “bias” approach may be be devastating to the whole operation.

Posted by: thucydides on November 3, 2003 6:17 PM

From the article:

“Also in [author Bernard Goldberg’s] sights are … books from left-of-center authors who allege that the media actually are conservatively biased: ‘I’m not saying they don’t believe it. I’m saying they’re delusional if they really do believe it.’ ”

I imagine most VFR readers have encountered individuals who feel frustrated, even outraged, at what they see as “the right-wing bias” of the mainstream media. The other day, a guy I know at work — a very intelligent and nice guy whom I like — was going on indignantly about how “The liberal point of view is not allowed to be represented on T.V. Look at the major news programs on the big three networks and CNN — without exception they present the news solely from a right-wing slant. Where do you see a progressive? Look at the discussion shows — they never allow a liberal point of view on any of them! [He rattled off shows which I consider hopelessly slanted to the left.] All you ever see on T.V. mainstream news is right-wing. Where is the liberal viewpoint represented? Nowhere!”

He means well. There is no way I can tell him my views on all this — I’d find myself ostracized worse than someone with advanced leprosy.

Posted by: Unadorned on November 3, 2003 7:18 PM

To Thucydides,

As far as I can tell, I don’t think a book such Goldberg’s is directed at a mass reading audience that is not familiar with these issues and needs to be persuaded; I think it’s directed at a _conservative_ readership.

To Unadorned,

I remember the first time I heard that idea. I was talking to a left-wing acquaintance, and mentioned the “liberal bias” of the media, and she said, no, the media is _conservative_. My brain almost exploded. It was one of those moments when one realizes that there’s a much greater irrationality at work than one had realized.

One way to make that point of view seem slightly less irrational is to see that it comes from leftists who view the New York Times as “conservative” because it doesn’t advocate outright socialism. Like Communists calling social democrats “fascists.”

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on November 3, 2003 7:25 PM

To Unadorned,

My former History professor is a self-described FDR-Truman Democrat. He constantly complains about Fox News. “Too biased to the right,” he says. He thinks Democrats need a network that slants the news in their direction.

Posted by: David on November 3, 2003 7:37 PM

I’m wondering what David’s professor thinks CBS, NBC, etc., are? What does he say when it’s pointed out to him that the existing networks are very liberal?

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on November 3, 2003 7:48 PM

To Mr. Auster,

Yes, that’s what I tell my ex-professor. I point out the leftist slant on every media outlet. When I do, an uneasy expression comes over his face. Then he changes the subject.

Posted by: David on November 3, 2003 7:59 PM

“Liberalism” has become a system of apologetics, smokescreens, and mirrors to protect and enhance the power, wealth, and influence of the New Class. As such it has no relationship with actual truth whatsoever, its words are merely implements. It continually shape-shifts as different circumstances require; yet one dare not doubt the virtual truth du jour, lest he instantly be perceived to have a scarlet C upon his fevered brow - to be outside the favored class, entirely unworthy of jobs, publication, or dates.

Posted by: Shrewsbury on November 4, 2003 8:30 PM
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