Why there are female POWs

The right hand blames the left. Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness tells how President Clinton expanded the quasi-combat areas women could serve in, thus exposing them to the sort of enemy capture we’ve seen in the present war. But it’s questionable whether this situation should be blamed solely on Clinton and the Democrats. The feminization of the military services has been pushed by Republican and Democratic presidents and Republican and Democratic congresses over the last quarter century. It is true that Clinton further extended women’s “inclusion,” but (1) the majority Republican Congress during the Clinton administration didn’t oppose it, and (2) President Bush did not retract it. Donnelly’s failure to bring out those facts makes her article seem more a partisan screed than a principled critique of the folly of integrating women in the armed forces.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 02, 2003 12:47 AM | Send

Of course, this just confrims my previous severe remarks against the Bush administration - namely, that it is mostly a continuation of the Clinton administration. Clinton appointees continue to wield great influence in matters both foreign and domestic. I’ll admit there are still some differences, but they are really minor in the end. I’m left with the impression that Rove agreed to throw the conservatives a bone here and there to buy loyalty - nothing more. Whether in the Justice Dept., the INS, or the military, the Clinton ‘undead’ continue to walk the halls and wreak havoc on everything. Bush is either a total moron as portrayed in the New York Times, et al or a willing accomplice.

Posted by: Carl on April 2, 2003 2:12 AM
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