EU army starting up, supported by Britain

New Euro army takes on its first peace-keeping mission, replacing NATO peacekeepers in Macedonia. Meanwhile, Britain and France, according the Telegraph, are laying the groundwork for a “joint aircraft carrier battle group designed to project EU power around the world. ‘You might not believe it [given France’s unprecedented betrayal of the U.S. and Britain], but Franco-British defence is going great guns,’ said a senior diplomat. The general assumption in Brussels is that Tony Blair will commit Britain deeper to EU defence once the Iraq conflict is over.”

Further reminder that, beyond his immediate help to us in the current war, Blair remains a leftist committed to the abolition of the historic Western nations in a globalized order .

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 01, 2003 02:34 PM | Send


Can’t think of anything to say but “yep.”

Wait. I did think of something else to say. Surely it escapes no one’s notice here how hypocritical it is of the French to be making plans to “project EU power around the world” while condemning America for doing the same thing? This just goes to show how the current diplomatic divide between us has everything to do with world hegemony and not a flying fig to do with Iraq.

Posted by: Bubba on April 1, 2003 7:34 PM
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