Public forgives, and cheers, child abuser

Pop music star and her husband confess on TV to ongoing alcoholism and drug abuse, with both the confession and, apparently, the abuse happening in front of their nine-year-old daughter. Since taking the child away from her parents is not a viable option, writes Bill O’Reilly, the only solution is “a societal condemnation of parents who are substance abusers, but in America today, that is impossible. Just three days after Whitney Houston’s embarrassing admissions, thousands turned out to cheer her in a New York performance.”

“We have become a nation that refuses to make judgments about bad behavior,” O’Reilly continues, “even when that behavior hurts innocent children. If we lived in a righteous society, Whitney Houston would be singing to herself …”
Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 14, 2002 10:01 AM | Send

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