GOP national strategy

“Anti-immigration groups have tried to stoke public fear that foreign terrorists exploit the American immigration system, but immigration has been a nonissue in most Congressional races this season, as both parties try to appeal to Hispanic and immigrant voters,” reports Susan Sachs of the New York Times. In fact, the GOP is distancing itself from a Republican candidates ads that criticize Congress woman Carolyn Mahoney’s stance on immigration. “County and national Republican officials refused to comment on the ad, referring all questions to Dr. O’Grady, and said their national strategy had been not to link terrorism and immigration policy in the current campaign,” Sachs writes.
Posted by at October 29, 2002 11:20 AM | Send

What is frustrating to activists is the lack of politicians speaking out against illegal immigration DURING their campaigns and the DELAYED broadcasts by their campaigns. By the time the activist hears about a struggling politician raising the issue, it is too late for the activist to make a difference with money or legwork. I didn’t hear about Ms. Mahoney until I read the story here, a week before the election.

Still, it is vital that reformers act. A relatively easy but unbelievably powerful way is by calling and, much better, by writing their own politicians and other politicians who are near to voting on immigration-related legislation. Please don’t think with your feelings and wait until you feel up to it. Act. I, like you, always think I am too busy; but I almost always act. (Once you take a step, later steps get easier and easier.) Remember the Cold War was long and hard and there were big downs; and NO ONE thought we would see the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall collapse.

Keep in touch with current legislation through Websites such as FAIR ( There are links to other sites you might prefer. (I have not been paid by or asked by FAIR to relay this message.)

The thinkers on Restoration provide the intellectual ammo (ideas) needed for this fight. It is up to the rest of us to pull and to keep pulling the political trigger (that is, to express these ideas in the political and social worlds) so the goals become a reality, without Balkans-like bloodshed.

Posted by: P Murgos on October 29, 2002 9:49 PM
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