Another Mohammedan plot

Another plot to destroy Bolognese fresco of Mohamet being cast into Hell, the second one in two months. This plot involved not only the standard four Arabs aged between 20 and 30 but also an Italian art historian, aged 55, who had sponsored the Arabs for work permits. Italian radicalism lives, I suppose.

One wonders what the resolution will be. The fresco is a perpetual red flag, and there’s no shortage of Mohammedans in Italy to be enraged by it. Multiplying physical protections for the painting will only make it necessary to blow up the whole cathedral to get rid of it. My guess is the Italians will fold and take it off public display.
Posted by Jim Kalb at August 21, 2002 11:10 AM | Send


A better resolution—both to this problem and to so many related problems—would be to remove most Muslims from Italy. Because of the fundamental incompatibilities between Islam and the West, large numbers of Muslims simply do not belong in Western countries. This is an obvious truth that Westerners prior to the last 50 years would have instantly understood.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on August 21, 2002 11:34 AM

Indeed, if the Muslims simply do not agree with the Bolognese fresco, they should simply move away.

There have been wars between the West and Islam for over one-thousand years, yet they think we can co-exist perfectly and peacefully.

Let us repel this Otranto.

Posted by: Matteo on August 21, 2002 1:29 PM

Well, the only way for Islam and the West to co-exist peacefully is for both to renounce themselves in favor of modern managerial liberalism. That is the positive reason for open borders in the first place: not merely a deluded liberal belief in equal multicultural tolerance but the realization that full emersion into equal multicultural tolerance will destroy both the West and Islam, replacing them with modern liberalism. The difference is between an epistemic denial of substantive difference and an active deliberate destruction of the old world. You destroy the substantive difference between oil and water by mixing them; and if you have to throw in some detergent, and what you end up with is dirty dishwater, then so be it.

Posted by: Matt on August 21, 2002 4:03 PM

Just so. “Multiculturalism” means no culture can have authority. It is therefore the abolition of all culture and its replacement by strictly formal—bureaucratic or market—institutions that pretend simply to facilitate what each of us wants to do for his own reasons.

Posted by: Jim Kalb on August 21, 2002 4:36 PM

Islam is logically incompatible with the West. What the koran and the Hadith prescribe for true Muslims makes true Muslims and the West mutually exclusive.

Everywhere Islam is practiced truthfully, it inevitably butts against the prevailing regime. It might be as little as the Muslim woman in Florida refusing to take her abiyah off to take adrivers license photo or it could be the type of Koranic-justifed act on September 11.

Since Moslems are Moslems insofar as they obey the tenets and pillars of Islam, people can drift in and out of Islam even as they maintain a Muslim name. Conversely, Christians are identified ultimatley and securely not by strict adherence to a set of rules but rather through their relationship with Jesus Christ. Christians don’t slip in and out of their Christian identity because they can’t.

This is why some people who call themselves Muslims can exist just fine in Western civilization but others who fancy themselves Muslims and necessarily obey the Koran and Hadith invariably knock heads with the West. The former aren’t really Muslims at all because, as the only way to define who qualifies as a Muslim is to determine their level of obedience to the Koran and Hadith, they aren’t living in accordance with either. They don’t cover their wives heads, they don’t actively work to push the infidels off the Arabian peninsula, they don’t beat their wives and so forth and so on.

Posted by: Jeff Brewer on August 21, 2002 4:51 PM

The pure logic of multiculturalism may lead in the direction that Matt and Mr. Kalb suggest, toward the equal disappearance of all cultures, Western and non-Western, under a universalist bureaucratic regime. However, in practice it is far more likely that multiculturalism will end only in the destruction of the West, not of the non-West. At present, the West is already the exclusive target of multiculturalism, because it is dominant and it is “ours,” and hence guilty. The logic suggests that that once the West is finished off, the forces of multiculturalism will then turn on the non-Western cultures. The problem with this assumption is that once the West is destroyed, liberalism itself will be finished, and with it, multiculturalism. Therefore, as I wrote in The Path to National Suicide, “the end of multiculturalism is not some utopian, equal society, but simply the end of American [and Western] civilization.”

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on August 21, 2002 5:59 PM

But the non-Western cultures and civilizations seem mostly in even worse shape. So I don’t think it’ll be a case of the West disappearing and something else taking over as the new high or metropolitan civilization.

Posted by: Jim Kalb on August 21, 2002 9:21 PM

An update to this story, that the men arrested have been released due to lack of evidence.

Posted by: Matteo on August 24, 2002 9:37 AM

Regarding Bolognese cathedral fresco of Mohommad being cast into hell, Mr. Kalb said that, owing to the difficulty of protecting the art against Mohommadan plots, “My guess is the Italians will fold and take it off public display.”

Although to my knowledge the fresco has not been removed, a more general application of his prediction is sadly accurate. Cathedral authorities in the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela will remove a statue of St. James (Santiago) “the Moor-slayer” from the cathedral chapel and place it in the cathedral museum. One of the reasons for the move is admitted to be a desire to avoid upsetting the “sensitivities of other ethnic groups”.

Posted by: Joshua on May 3, 2004 1:47 PM
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