Can the West and France be restored?

Tiberge at Galliawatch is also wondering whether it is too late:

Is it too late for the West to change course? Too late for the United States to become what it once was? Too late for France to restore her civilization? Do recent events in France signal an awakening that has come not a minute too soon? Or is it a swansong? The French once murdered their monarchy, can they not murder the Fifth Republic, and start afresh with a Sixth? How they would do this with more than half the country either Socialist or terrified of being accused of heresy such as racism or Islamophobia is not known. How they would overcome their dread of war and violence is not known. How they would recapture a sense of pride in their past accomplishments is not known. And what the new order would really look like is also unknown. [cont.]

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 20, 2012 10:02 AM | Send

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