France will ban “mother” and “father”

I’ve been saying for many years that this is an inevitable consequence of same-sex “marriage.” Laura Wood writes:

A PROPOSED French law that would legalize same-sex “marriage” would also ban the words “mother” and “father” from all government documents, the Telegraph reports. Let’s repeat that. In a major European country, it may soon be illegal to refer to “mother” and “father” in official documents.

The language change is an inevitable move for countries that approve homosexual unions. Same-sex “marriage” and same-sex “parenthood” change the entire conceptual framework of the family. “Mother” and “father” refer to the irrevocable biological origins of every human being and thus exclude homosexuals, just as nature excludes homosexuals from procreation. Once these words are officially banned, they will almost certainly become tainted in everyday usage.

President Francois Hollande has vowed to approve the redefinition of marriage. The law comes before his cabinet on Oct. 31.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 24, 2012 02:27 PM | Send

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