Nation-crushers for Christ

From March 2007, here is a discussion of the loony-tunes Lutherans who want to eliminate walls, all walls, all political, physical, and spiritual boundaries between people, so that we will take in all the refugees in the world and become one in Christ. Readers know that I am not a fan of Nietzsche who held that Christianity was an expression of decadence. But as I said in this entry concerning the liberal Christianity of today, where is Nietzsche when we need him?

- end of initial entry -

BD writes:

The open borders Lutherans are disgusting, of course, but you you may not realize that there are many Lutheran denominations, and they are quite different. The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), which was formed several decades ago by the merger of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Church in America. The ELCA is the largest Lutheran denomination and also the most liberal—they’re also very gay-friendly and accept gays (both men and women) into their ministry. But there are many conservative Lutheran denominations that dislike the ELCA and their ultra-liberal views. The Missouri and Wisconsin synods are the largest conservative Lutheran groups, but there are many others. These church bodies generally avoid taking political positions except on issues such as religious freedom (and perhaps abortion), and their pastors never preach politics from the pulpit. They regard issues such as immigration as something that people must decide for themselves.

Generally, the politically liberal denominations are members of the National Council of Churches/World Council of Churches. Conservative denominations usually stay away from these liberal groups. So please don’t think that all “Lutherans” think this way—many don’t.

LA replies:

Of course I am aware that there are conservative and liberal Lutheran denominations, and I should have made that clear.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 26, 2012 09:57 AM | Send

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