“I want to discuss world peace with bin Laden, but not alone with him in his cave.”

From a 2006 VFR entry, a piquant example of the Unprincipled Exception, the all-important device by which liberals acquire for themselves the moral advantage of espousing noble, suicidal principles, while they avoid, for the time being, the inconvenience of actually committing suicide. It concerns a 13-year-old boy with muscular dystrophy and his correspondence with former president Jimmy Carter, who read from the boy’s letters at his funeral:

The letter continued, “Even though I want to talk to Osama bin Laden about peace in the future, I wouldn’t want to be alone with him in his cave.” The congregation dissolved into laughter.

See the discussion in the original entry.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 10, 2012 08:34 PM | Send

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