The Democratic Party platform and the Western heritage

By the way, since the Democrats are anti-Jerusalem, are they also anti-Athens?

That was intended as a joke, but it’s serious too. After all, the Democrats’ opposition to the inclusion of God in their platform does indicate that they are against the “Jerusalem” (Jewish and Christian, biblical) part of the Western heritage, and in their long-time embrace of post-modernism and the cult of the self they are also against the “Athens” (philosophical reason, rationality) part of the Western heritage. Finally, in their support for mass nonwhite immigration and the browning of America, they are also against the Germanic/European part of the Western heritage. But of course the Republicans are fully on board with the Democrats in that last and most fateful and decisive (because its effects are irreversible) plank of the liberal platform.

- end of initial entry -

James P. writes:

Obama is not anti-Athens. He loves Athens!

Bruce B. writes:

You wrote: ” … most fateful and decisive (because its effects are irreversible) plank of the liberal platform.”

This is a brilliantly concise statement of why race and immigration are such important issues.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 06, 2012 01:30 AM | Send

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