Yet another way to avoid being killed or severely injured by blacks

In today’s entry, “Black youth in Mississippi town steals car of 89-year-old white woman, then beats her almost to death with brick,” James P. writes:

I guess a new VFR Rule (expanding on John Derbyshire’s original list) should be:

10(x) If a black driving your stolen car claims he found it and is returning it, don’t believe him and offer to drive him home. Or, more simply: Don’t believe anything a black driving your stolen car says.
LA replies:

I remind readers that each of our continuing additions to the list advises people not to do things that white people actually did do and that got them killed or injured by blacks.

(Note: the discussion continues in the original entry, with a reader’s comment that blackness is irrelevant to Rule 10(x), and my reply.)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 20, 2012 10:23 PM | Send

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