World Star Hip Hop

Paul K. writes:

In “Victory of the Democracy spreaders,” you asked James N.: “What is World Star Hip Hop?” He answered that it is “a website where Negroes post videos of themselves beating up white people, among other degeneracies.”

It is important to be aware of World Star Hip Hop—its existence says a lot about our social decay. The reason we are seeing so many videos of blacks committing assaults on whites is that the perpetrators themselves post them on sites like World Star Hip Hop, from which they are also picked up by mainstream news sites like the Drudge Report. The perpetrators are so proud of what they have done, and at the same time are so stupid, that they are willing to incriminate themselves by sharing the evidence. Evidently, their peers find the videos hilarious.

LA replies:

So, just as jihadists circulate videos of jihadist beheadings and other murders to inspire their fellow jihadists, black savages circulate videos of their anti-white crimes to inspire other black savages to commit similar crimes.

- end of initial entry -

James N. writes:

The intifada is developing its own institutions.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 29, 2012 05:11 PM | Send

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