The investiture of a president of the French Republic

LA to Tiberge, the author of of Galliawatch:
So, what did the French think of Hollande getting his suit and himself drenched at his own inauguration?

Also, what do the French call the inauguration of a new president of the Republique?

Tiberge replies:

First, there’s the “passation des pouvoirs,” which simply means that power is being passed from one to the other. It is not exactly a synonym for “inauguration.” In the courtyard of the Palace, there is the solemn “cérémonie d’investiture,” followed by a series of events similar to inaugural festivities, with speeches, a military revue, etc. However, I do not see an oath, certainly no Bible, no prayer. Here is an official description (in French) of the day.

After the words “Elle comporte,” you can see the sequence of events:

The orchestra plays a solemn march as the President-elect arrives accompanied by the prime minister and the presidents of the Senate and National Assembly.

The reading of the results of the election.

The signing by the President of the investiture form.

The presentation to the new President of the collar of the grand master of the Order, by the grand chancellor of the Legion of Honor.( … )

As for the rain, they simply said that he was stoic, and did not let it deter him. They could not help noting that it was a unpredictable day, with the weather and his flight to Germany that ran into bad weather. There was a lot of sun too—for example when he addressed the crowd outdoors. The weather was “changeant”—there was rain, hail, and sun. Hollande is either stoic, to the point of being inanimate, or he is like Jack Benny, just funny standing there doing nothing. (I always felt Inspector Clouseau knew what he was doing in a Mr. Bean type of way. Maybe that is Hollande—with a perfectly straight face he will nominate people to high positions who will finish France off as quickly as possible so François and Valérie can take a vacation.)

Here’s more on the weather.

I just learned he named Christiane Taubira as minister of Justice! She is the deputy from French Guiana who sponsored the 2001 law recognizing the Negro slavery and slave trade as a crime against humanity.

Her photo.

(I have to check on this, but I think the law concentrates on the Atlantic trade and either ignores or minimizes Islamic slave trade.)

I hope this helps. If I learn more I’ll pass it on.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 16, 2012 07:19 PM | Send

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