Telling the Passover story

Paul K. writes:

I had a very moving Passover Seder with my in-laws. I have been with my wife for 40 years, and I remember many Seders with her free-spirited father telling the traditional story in his theatrical fashion, enjoying being on stage as it were. Now in his late eighties, he has largely recovered from a stroke but still suffers from aphasia, a difficulty in remembering words. The formerly voluble man now rarely speaks more than a few sentences, but with his children and grandchildren gathered around the table he rose to the occasion and told the story of Passover. It was a struggle, with some words misplaced and a few passages elided, but it was important to him and he got through it, commanding the rapt attention of everyone. It was a transcendent performance.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 08, 2012 11:58 PM | Send

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