In Obama’s world, who is the victimizer?

Andrew Ferguson has written an article, “The wit & wisdom of Barack Obama,” explicating Obama’s campaign speeches. It’s quoted at Powerline:

The overarching theme of Obama’s speeches, and of his campaign, is that America is a fetid sewer whose most glorious days lie just ahead, thanks to the endless ranks of pathetic losers who make it a beacon of hope to all mankind.

Now that is a perfect rendering of Obama’s rhetoric.

But Ferguson then asks, if America is a country of victims, who is the victimizer? And on this point, he says that Obama is vague. All he mentions are “lobbyists” and “overpaid CEOs.”

I haven’t read the Ferguson piece yet. But based on what we know about Obama’s mentor, Jeremiah Wright, the answer to the question, “Who is the victimizer?”, is not hard to figure out. Wright is an exponent of Black Liberation Theology. While Liberation Theology is the Marxist brand of Christianity which is about delivering poor people from oppression by rich people, Black Liberation Theology is a Racialist Marxist brand of Christianity which is about delivering black poor people from oppression by rich white people. Thus the constantly reiterated phrase in the recently publicized sermon by Wright, about “poor black man living in a country and a culture run by rich white people.” This is the message that Barack O., he of the wonderful smile, has been absorbing for 20 years.

Of course, as a mainstream politician running for president, he cannot state this belief openly. But it is what he really believes.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 16, 2008 03:52 PM | Send

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