Mainstream news magazine declares Wilders the real winner in Dutch elections

According to Der Spiegel (via Diana West):

The real winner of the elections seems, however, to have been Geert Wilders, whose Freedom Party (PVV) won 24 seats, making it the third-strongest political force in the Netherlands. It managed to beat Balkenende’s ruling Christian Democrats, which came in fourth place with 21 seats.

During his election campaign, Wilders called for a stop to immigration from Muslim countries and the reduction of social benefits for new immigrants. On election night, he reiterated his call for a role in the next government, saying it would be “not democratic” if the other parties, in their search for a coalition, were to ignore the fact that around 1.5 million people had voted for his PVV. “We want to govern,” he said.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 12, 2010 01:22 AM | Send

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