Protests in Arizona against new immigration law heat up

Kathlene M. writes:

This is going to get interesting. But I think that smearing refried beans in the shape of a swastika on government buildings is not going to help their cause.

Here are two highlights from the AP article:

The conflict over a sweeping crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona intensified Monday as vandals smeared refried beans in the shape of swastikas on the state Capitol’s windows.


Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva said: “We’re going to overturn this unjust and racist law, and then we’re going to overturn the power structure that created this unjust, racist law.”

LA replies:

Hmm, this sounds like the previous, short lived, “high tide” of the Mexican illegals’ movement—in spring 2006 when they held huge mass marches in U.S. cities carrying Mexican flags. That worked out well for them.

And that talk about “overturning the power structure that created this unjust, racist law,” showing that the Mexicans are not coming to join America, but to topple it, will really help them too.

And let us remind ourselves what it is that they are protesting. They are protesting a law which says that illegal aliens can be arrested and deported for being in this country illegally. That’s it. To these people, America is an oppressive, racist country for enforcing its basic laws. Yet no mainstream conservative ever points out that this fact alone demonstrates that Mexicans—or at least the politically active part of the Mexican community, which is the part of the community that counts—are here as a hostile force.

It’s a simple principle: when people call a country immoral and wicked for fulfilling its basic, minimal responsibilities as a country, such as protecting its borders and defending its citizens from violence, such people are saying that that country has no right to exist. The same principle applies to those enemies of Israel who call it an “apartheid state” for protecting its citizens from Muslim terrorists seeking to mass murder them. .

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James P. writes:

You wrote:

“Let us remind ourselves what it is that they are protesting. They are protesting a law which says that illegal aliens can be arrested and deported for being in this country illegally. That’s it. To these people, America is an oppressive, racist country for enforcing its basic laws. Yet no mainstream conservative ever points out that this fact alone demonstrates that Mexicans—or at least the politically active part of the Mexcian community, which is the part of the community that counts—are here as a hostile force.”

White, U.S.-born leftists also protest when America enforces its basic laws and (dare I say it?) defends its right to exist. They also regard America as an oppressive, racist country. Yet no mainstream conservative ever points out that white, U.S.-born leftists are a hostile force. What to do about that hostile, leftist occupation regime leads us back to this discussion.

Kathlene replies to LA:

And the fact that Obama appears to agree with the hispanic protesters that the law is unfair just shows that our alien-in-chief is just that—an alien-in-chief and hostile to the rule of law. It’s a sad day in America when loud, demanding, law-breaking illegal aliens are considered to be on the side of civil rights, truth and fairness, but the peaceful Tea Party protesters are considered hatemongers, possible terrorists and bigots.

LA replies:

See what Rick Darby says about Obama’s disdainful comments.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 26, 2010 07:48 PM | Send

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