Now Stupak himself has said he’s voting for the bill

At 4:13 p.m, Daniel Foster writes at the Corner:

Saying he didn’t want “to keep the whole world waiting” any longer, Bart Stupak (D., Mich.) told reporters on Capitol Hill he was “pleased to announce that we have an agreement … to protect the sanctity of life in health-care reform.”

The agreement comes in the form of an executive order from President Obama promising that the Hyde Amendment restrictions on the federal funding of abortion will extend to the current health-care bill.

Text of the White House executive order is here.

That’s all folks.

It’s often been said that the Democrats in ramming through this bill are wrecking their political fortunes for the foreseeable future. In light of the shocking video of Bart Stupak speaking to constituents last November which reveals that everything he’s been saying for the last several months has been a deliberate lie, Stupak has destroyed his reputation, his character, his soul, and turned himself into an object of utmost contempt. And what did he think he was gaining by putting the country through this farce? An executive order so meaningless and without effect that it doesn’t even amount to a transparent fig leaf? A few weeks of fame? What slimy darkness resides inside this upright looking man?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 21, 2010 04:23 PM | Send

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