Should we prefer that the bill pass, for the same reason that we refused to vote for McCain?

Clark Coleman writes:
Subject: Serene in the eye of the ObamaCare storm

I am not sure whether we should want ObamaCare to pass or to fail. For the same reason that many of us thought it would be better in the long run for Obama to be elected instead of McCain, because of the effect on conservatism, I think that passage of the bill would seal the Demoncrats’ doom not just in 2010 but in 2012 and have a down-ticket effect in state and local elections throughout 2010, 2011, and 2012.

If it fails to pass, I cannot ensure that the current populist outrage will be sustained until November, much less until 2012. We will see.

LA replies:

An interesting point. Certainly the rage will be far greater if the bill passes. But even if the bill fails, the rage against the Democrats for what they have tried to do to us, and for what they put us through in trying to do it to us, will be strong and active come next November. Beyond next November I would say that the picture is less clear.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 20, 2010 11:46 AM | Send

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