Stunningly strong anti Obamacare numbers in the districts of 11 undecideds

We know that the Democrats are pushing ahead to vote for the health care bill even if it costs them the control of Congress and in many cases their individual seats. But when we consider the actual degree of anti-Obamacare sentiment in some congressional districts, we have to wonder if the Democrats will go ahead and pull the trigger—on themselves. Unless ObamaPelosiReid have managed to suppress entirely the normal forces of political life, we must expect that these forces will play a some role in any House vote on the bill.

In an article posted March 10 at RCP, Sean Trende (which sounds like a pollster’s nomme de guerre to me) shows how voters in 11 Democratic House districts where the members are thought to be potential flippers feel about Obamacare. The figures are stunning, with voters strongly opposed to Obamacare outnumbering those who favor Obamacare by an average of over 11 percent (actually 11.18182) and all those oppose outnumbers supporters by at last an average of 17 percent (an approximation).

Will all of these Democrats ignore the powerful anti-Obamacare sentiments of their constituents and vote yes?

Furthermore, Trende suggests that there are many more Democratic districts with comparable figures.

AZ-8 (Giffords, yea): 35% favor, 52% oppose, 46% strongly oppose;

CO-4 (Markey, nay): 33% favor, 58% oppose, 51% strongly oppose;

IN-9 (Hill, yea): 31% favor, 52% oppose, 44% strongly oppose;

NJ-3 (Adler, nay): 34% favor, 57% oppose, 46% strongly oppose;

OH-1 (Driehaus, yea): 39% favor, 54% oppose, 48% strongly oppose;

OH-16 (Boccieri, nay): 38% favor, 51% oppose, 46% strongly oppose;

NV-3 (Titus, yea): 40% favor, 52% oppose, 44% strongly oppose;

NY-13 (McMahon, nay): 40% favor, 46% oppose, 37% strongly oppose;

NY-24 (Arcuri, yea): 32% favor, 53% oppose, 47% strongly oppose;

PA-4 (Altmire, nay): 30% favor, 58% oppose, 47% strongly oppose;

PA-10 (Carney, yea): 28% favor, 58% oppose, 47% strongly oppose.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 13, 2010 05:32 PM | Send

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