Hennessey says bill has 40 percent chance of being passed

Blogger Keith Hennessey sums up the current situation. While he doesn’t say much that is new, he provides useful perspective. He puts the chances of passage at 40 percent. At the time of Scott Brown’s election he put it at under 10 percent. He admits he has been surprised by the Obamapelosiharrycrats’ persistence.

A forty percent chance of an inconceivable calamity that will permanently change our country in a horrible way and it’s not within our power to do anything to stop it, since it’s all up to the Democrats. We need help from a higher source. I repeat the quotation by Mary Baker Eddy that a reader sent a few weeks ago:

Unconstitutional and unjust coercive legislation and laws, infringing individual rights, must be of few days and full of trouble. The vox populi, through the providence of God, promotes and impels all true reform, and at the best time, will redress wrongs and rectify injustice. Tyranny can thrive but feebly under our Government. God reigns, and will “turn and overturn” until right is found supreme.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 08, 2010 03:21 PM | Send

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