An historically important critique of free trade

A major force driving the cultural dissolution of the Anglo-American world has been the belief in free trade, which places the abstract economic good of the whole world ahead of the concrete economic good of one’s own country. Up to this point, the belief in free trade has been as unquestionable in the economic realm as the belief in non-discrimination and mass diverse immigration has been in the cultural realm—and almost as dangerous to challenge. In his new book, Free Trade Doesn’t Work: What Should Replace it and Why, Ian Fletcher addresses the issue on a profound level. In lively language directed at both economists and the general reader, he examines the free trade orthodoxy step by step and shows how free trade hollows out the country that practices it. While the book is not aimed at advancing a conservative or nationalist agenda per se, it should be much welcomed by cultural conservatives.

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Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 05, 2010 04:46 PM | Send

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