The right’s greatest ally?

An amusing and hopeful thought from Donald Hank (Don H. at VFR) at his blog, Laigle’s Forum (I’m curious to find out what that title means). Here he comments on the meaning of recent events in the Netherlands:

Wilders’s persecution boosts Freedom Party

Wilders’s Freedom Party gaining ground in Holland

There is only one group strong enough and rich enough to destroy the Left and that is the Left itself. And they do it every time, because unlike normal people, lefties believe in their own immortality and the historical inevitability of their hare-brained utopian agendas.

So, believing that all reasonable people everywhere agree with them, they inevitably get careless and start stripping people of their God-given rights, such as the right to speak one’s mind. Censorship is a sure-fire way to ultimately lose and give all the power to your opponent! …

Keep censoring, Lefties. You have found the enemy (psst: he is YOU. Yeah).

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Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 04, 2010 11:13 PM | Send

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