Jews join with Hispanics to push for comprehensive immigration reform

On January 27 the Jewish Daily Forward reported:

Even as health care reform twists in the wind, immigration policy looms as the next big political debate—and Hispanics and Jews are moving to the forefront in a burgeoning political alliance.


Even as our last leftist utopian fantastically destructive scheme that we all thought was inevitable has crashed to earth, our next leftist utopian fantastically destructive scheme that we think is inevitable is taking off—look out world!

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February 13

Ron L. writes:

I find the title somewhat misleading. It is not Jewry or most Jews who support legalization, it is the liberal dominated organizations, the Court Jews of the left who are doing so against the wishes of actual Jews. In December, the Center for Immigration Studies commissioned a Zogby study (I appreciate the irony) on support for immigration reform measures across religious communities. Given the choice between A (Enforcing the law, causing illegals to emigrate) or B (Allow illegals to stay with some penalties and conditions), emigration beat earned legalization 43-40%. While this is within the margin of error, it shows that our purported leadership are acting on behalf of a minority and ignoring the plurality. In fact, when only given the option of enforcement leading to emigration, 80% somewhat or strongly supported the measure. Only 11% opposed it in theory. [LA replies: the title I gave the entry, “Jews join with Hispanics to push for comprehensive immigration reform,” reflects the wording of the article from The Jewish Forward: “Hispanics and Jews are moving to the forefront in a burgeoning political alliance.”]

Most Jews are just not given this option, because of the media and the collusion of the grievance mongers. It is no suprise that the Jews for Pharoah* did everything they could to deligitimize Stephen Steinlight and prevent him from speaking in front of Jewish groups. They are out of touch and they know it. At this time, there is no organization of Jews countering the leftists usurping the mantle of Jewishness. I wish Steinlight would take the initiative to change this.

* I call the leftist leadership “Jews for Pharaoh” because of the “Progress for Pesach” movement. They wanted to celebrate Passover by legalizing criminal aliens. Ironically, they were rehabilitating the Pharaoh, given the tyrants claim that the Israelites could not be trusted as “Strangers in a Strange Land” to side with the natives against invasion.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 12, 2010 11:25 AM | Send

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