A theory of Palin

Ben W. writes:

Here is my Sarah Palin Theory (SPT).

What we have is a long-running reality show starring Sarah Palin. It involves both her personal and her political life. We have “the first dude,” eldest daughter impregnated, Trig and Track, the McCain circle with political intrigues, meat loaf made from moose meat, Sarah’s convention clothes, Levi the hunk, etc.

We have her life in real time before us—a continuous stream of her thoughts via Twitter and Facebook. There is her peculiar dialect and grammar. The stylish bifocals. Her enemies and tormentors—the adversarial media. People running to her side—the bookstore gatherings, the conventions.

This is your life Sarah Palin, and your life is our life—or our life is her life. Obama came out of nowhere—he was not a constant televised presence prior to his candidacy. Sarah Palin’s life story is unfolding before us, like a televised reality show, day in and day out.

The Sarah Palin Show is a conglomeration of West Wing, Northern Exposure and The Apprentice. Her “common sense” and folksy daily tweets are like Paul Harvey’s daily mini-stories. We tune in to hear the next Sarah version.

And we tag along with her adventure. Is she picking up the appropriate knowledge? Can she tell us what she is thinking at this moment? Has she inched ahead of Mitt and Huck?

The long and winding road to our hearts and minds. And then 2012, the triumph! The Sarah Palin Show, now showing. For the next three years. In real time. This is the best reality show on the networks.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 10, 2010 07:42 PM | Send

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